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The Z-Relation in Theory and Practice

Jeremiah Goyette

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A pair of pc sets...which have identical interval vectors but which are not transpositionally or inversionally equivalent will be called a Z-related pair.

Allen Forte, The Structure of Atonal Music (1973), p. 21

23 pairs of z-related sets in mod12

Z-relation first discovered in music theory by:

David Lewin 1960. The Intervallic Content of a Collection of Notes, Intervallic Relations between a Collection of Notes and its Complement: an Application to Schoenberg’s Hexachordal Pieces. Journal of Music Theory 4/1: 98-101.
Howard Hanson 1960. The Harmonic Materials of Twentieth-Century Music. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.

Some prominent critics/commentators:

John Clough 1965. Pitch-Set Equivalence and Inclusion (A comment on Forte’s Theory of Set-Complexes). Journal of Music Theory 9/1: 163-180.
George Perle 1982. Letter from George Perle. Journal of the American Musicological Society 35/2: 373-377.
1990. Pitch-Class Set Analysis: An Evaluation. The Journal of Musicology 8/2: 151-172.
Sets in the Z-relation will sound similar because they have the same interval-class content, but they won't be as closely related to each other as sets that are members of the same set class.

Joseph Straus, Introduction to Post-Tonal Theory
(2nd ed., 2000), p. 80

Alban Berg, op. 2 no. 4, mm. 18-22.

All-interval tetrachords sharing trichords

[016] shared
[026] shared

A few questions with which to grapple

  1. What criteria must be met in order so that two sets of different set classes share the same interval-class content?
  2. Do all groups of z-related sets satisfy the same criteria, or are there different types of z-relation?
  3. Is it possible to enumerate the z-related sets; in other words, is it possible to calculate the number of z-related sets without having to count them either by hand or with a computer?
  4. Given a z-related pitch-class set, how can one derive the z-related partner?
  5. How can one tell if a random pitch-class set is potentially a z-related set?

Robert Morris

Stephen Soderberg

New information

1. Fourier transform:

Fourier balances (Quinn 2007)

balance 1
balance 2
balance 3
balance 4
balance 5
balance 6

New information

2. Parallels to crystallography:

Homometric pair

Patterson, Arthur Lindo. Ambiguities in the X-ray Analysis of Crystal Structure. Phys. Rev. 65 (1944): 195-201.

Some insights to be observed

My contributions

  1. Survey of Fourier transform, and its implications for the z-relation
  2. Generation of algebraic z-relation formulas
    • General formula (and criteria) for z-related pairs with sets that have one cyclic-collection subset.
    • Pumping (from O'Rourke, et al. 2008), which adds pitch classes to the general formula to generate larger cardinality z-related pairs with more than one cyclic-collection subset.
    • The 'reciprocal set union', which describes certain aggregate-forming z-related pairs (sets with cardinality of half the modulus).
  3. Z-transformations


General z-relation formula

set 1set 2

Φ ⊎ x + Ψ


Φ ⊎ −x + Ψ

Φ (Phi) – cyclic collection with cycle interval φ
        (such as [06] or [048] in mod12)

Ψ (Psi) – non-cyclic collection (remainder set)

x ∈ ℝ and x ≢ 0 (mod φ/2)

⊎ – multiset sum

{0, 6} ⊎ x + {0, 3}     Z     {0, 6} ⊎ −x + {0, 3}    if x ≢ 0 (mod3)

{ 0 6 0 3 }
[ 0 0 3 6 ]
{ 0 6 0 3 }
[ 0 0 3 6 ]
x = 0

{0, 6} ⊎ x + {0, 1, 5}     Z     {0, 6} ⊎ −x + {0, 1, 5}    if x ≢ 0 (mod3)

{ 0 6 0 1 5 }
[0 0 1 5 6 ]
{ 0 6 0 1 5 }
[0 0 1 5 6 ]
x = 0

Luciano Berio, Sequenza IXb for E-flat alto saxophone, Rehearsal A

Berio, Sequenza IXb, annotated

[03] dyads marked above, and [06] dyads below

ZT-related pair of AITs

DY = {F♯, C} ∪ {F♮, A♭} = [0137]

DZ = {F♯, C} ∪ {G♮, B♭} = [0146]

ZCS-related pair of AITs

CX = {B♮, F} ∪ {B♭, C♯} = [0137]

CZ = {B♮, F} ∪ {G♮, B♭} = [0146]

{0, 6} ⊎ x + {0, 3}     Z     {0, 6} ⊎ x + CS{0, 3}     if x ≢ 0 (mod3)

{0, 6} ⊎ x + {0, 1, 5}     Z     {0, 6} ⊎ x + CS{0, 1, 5}     if x ≢ 0 (mod3)

Elliott Carter, Fragment no. 2, mm. 11-16.

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